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Our availability display indicates whether a particular item is available for delivery. However, there may be occasions when popular items in your shopping basket may sell out before your order is received – particularly if there is some delay in completing the order process.


Availability display

Good to know: Unfortunately, the items in your shopping basket cannot be reserved for you. The availability display is updated continually, but occasionally a popular item may show as still being available in your chosen size and color combination even though it has actually sold out in the meantime.


Future availability

If an item is not currently available, it may become available to you again within a short period of time through restocking or returns.

Email order acknowledgement

Once you have placed your order we will send you an email to let you know that processing of the order has started. Please note: this order acknowledgement is not an order confirmation! This automatically generated email is sent even if an item may not currently be available. The contract of purchase will not be formed until the item is dispatched.

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